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Look Around!

March Bible Study

In Touch Ministries staff March 8, 2024

“In the beginning God created …” You’ve probably heard it many times. By now you might think of the creation story primarily as material for children’s books or debates about the earth’s origin, not a source of practical aid in coping with life. But when burdens exhaust us, the first chapter of the Bible offers help in finding comfort and victory.

Illustration by Abbey Lossing


Genesis was likely recorded by Moses while the Israelites wandered in Sinai.


Genesis 1:1-31


What is “good”?

  • The first thing God created on the earth was light (v. 3). Throughout Scripture, light would become both a symbol for God’s presence (Isa. 9:2) and a description of His Being (1 John 1:5). Consider some of the reasons light was the first thing necessary. How does this apply in your own life? As you answer, allow the literal meaning (physical light) to lead you to truths about spiritual light. 

  • God “saw” that the light He had created was good (Gen. 1:4). The Hebrew word has similar connotations to the English see: “look at, give attention to, perceive, distinguish, discern.” Reflect on God’s action here and explain how it might have included all these meanings. What does this verse suggest about the importance God places on thoughtful examination? Before you answer, try counting all the occurrences of this word in the chapter.

  • Romans 11:33 speaks of “the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God.” The Hebrew word for “good” in Genesis 1:4 is derived from ṭôḇ, which means “pleasing.” Find all the places this word occurs in Genesis 1. Talk about the role of God’s wisdom in connection with the “good” here. What about your own wisdom—have you ever mislabeled something “good” or pleasing? How did you discover your mistake?


After creating light, God organized the structure of the world and filled it with a profusion of life.

  • The first two days of creation dealt with light, water, and earth. On the third day, God created plant life (v. 11); on the fifth day, sea life and birds (v. 20); and on the sixth day, all land-dwelling life (v. 24). Each time, He discerned goodness. Choose one thing from these categories that you can see around you right now—perhaps a blade of grass, a beam of sunlight, an animal, or your own hand—and examine your chosen object very closely. What about it is pleasing or “good” to you?

  • What do you learn about God’s ways and manner from the wording of Genesis 1 and your own observation of created things? Consider the value of detail, taking time to ponder and appreciate both their simplicity and complexity. Find verses that speak to what you’ve noticed.

  • Sin soon entered the world (Gen. 3), bringing brokenness and death; in John 16:33, Jesus said life here would be troubled, even for believers. To guard against mental weariness, Paul urges us to think about “whatever is true ... honorable ... right ... pure ... lovely ...  commendable ... excellen[t] and ... worthy of praise” (Phil. 4:8). How can what you’ve read at the beginning of the Bible help you follow this instruction? Practice “seeing goodness” in the natural world as an easily accessible—and biblical—aid to mental peace.


Will we ever exhaust the riches of God’s manifold creation?

The infinitely complex miracles of Genesis 1 are described simply: Let there be light, and it was good, creating both invitation and comfort. God invites us to delight in His world—and comforts us with the knowledge that the troubles we find unmanageable are never too big for Him.

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