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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Heavenly-Minded Prayers

Be sure that you are asking God for what's most important in your life and the lives of those you love.

November 29, 2023

Colossians 1:9-14

We belong to Jesus, and our home is not of this world. Do our prayers reflect that? The Lord wants us to talk to Him about our day and bring our personal requests, but He desires that we pray for kingdom concerns, too—prayers for others’ salvation and for the spiritual growth of His children.

Let’s look at Paul’s prayers. They were Christ-centered and kingdom-related—that people know Jesus, pattern their life after Him, and carry out God’s will. The apostle yearned for believers to be filled with spiritual wisdom and understanding and to walk in a worthy manner. He prayed that they would please the Lord, be fruitful, and increase in their knowledge of God. Finally, he asked that they be strengthened with the Spirit’s power and exhibit steadfastness and patience. Our God delights to answer such prayers because they are all part of what He desires for us.

Paul wasn’t ignoring the people’s physical and emotional needs. Rather, he knew that God’s answers to these prayers in Colossians 1 were the way believers would triumph in the situations facing them. Then they would have strength to persevere and be good witnesses during difficult times.

Take steps now to make your prayer life more heavenly-minded than earthbound. Start by praying today’s verses for yourself and people you know.

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