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TV Sermon

The Stages of Our Faith

Are there possible obstacles hindering the growth of your faith?

June 8, 2024

Our heavenly Father wants us to be perfected in our faith—completely relying upon Him regardless of the situation or circumstance. This is because every aspect of our lives is affected by the strength and vitality of our faith. Dr. Stanley teaches how to continue growing in your relationship with the Lord so your faith can be perfected.

Sermon Outline

As we walk with God through all kinds of circumstances, our confidence in Him can vary widely. This week, we’ll explore how understanding the stages of faith helps us assess our level of trust and also encourages its growth.

Key Passage: Hebrews 11:1-3, Hebrews 11:6

When storms, difficulties, and hardships come, we must respond—and our response displays our faith level.

“God honors faith because it honors Him.”

Scripture shows faith in God was very important to Jesus.

  • Jesus frequently instructed His disciples and others to have faith (Matt. 17:20; Matt. 21:22; Mark 9:23; Mark 11:22).

  • The disciples recognized the importance of faith and asked Jesus to increase theirs (Luke 17:5).

  • After the resurrection, our Lord reprimanded His disciples for their lack of faith (Mark 16:14).

  • Jesus was aware that every aspect of life is affected by our faith—including prayer, giving, and relationships.

“The key to faith is focus.”

Remember that the stages of faith...

  • Are flexible. You may not go through all of them in order or might return to a prior one when your faith is challenged.

  • Will repeat. No one arrives at the final stage and simply stays there.

  • Are all about your focus. It must be on God, not your challenges.

Stage 1: Little faith...

  • Is characterized by restlessness and uncertainty.

  • May be sincere and yet provides no assurance or peace.

  • May return for a mature believer, but it shouldn’t be a resting place.

  • Is a moment when we struggle to believe God can do something (Mark 9:21-24).

“People of great faith have put their feelings behind them. And what they’re doing is focusing on God.”

Stage 2: Great faith...

  • Involves maturing and becoming stronger.

  • Stands on the Word of God and doesn’t waver.

  • Doesn’t rely on feelings, opinions of others, or the past.

  • Looks beyond what the physical eye can see.

  • Is illustrated by David’s speech before he faced Goliath (1 Sam. 17:1-58) and the centurion telling Jesus, “Just say the word” (Matt. 8:8).

Stage 3: Perfect faith...

  • Sees God’s resolution as an already accomplished fact.

  • Has gone beyond the need to ask.

  • Leads us to thank and praise the Lord for what’s coming.

  • Provides perfect peace, joy, and assurance.

  • Involves patience and hopeful expectation.

  • Is illustrated by Abraham telling his men, “We will worship and return to you” (Gen. 22:5).

Faith fluctuates in everyone, but not maturing at all is problematic. This limits...

  • God’s use of us.

  • His answers to our prayers.

  • Our joy, peace, happiness, and every other aspect of satisfaction in life.

To grow and strengthen our faith, we should...

  • Read God’s Word.

  • Make sure our heart is clean.

  • Surrender our life to the Lord.

  • Make sure our requests are always within God’s will. If they are, we’ll have perfect peace about them.

After Watching

Consider these thoughts and questions in response to the sermon:

  • The centurion told Jesus, “I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes, and to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes, and to my slave, ‘Do this!’ and he does it” (Matt. 8:9). With this statement, what is the man illustrating that he understands about the Savior?

  • Which illustration of faith in the Bible most inspires you right now? Explore your reasons for relating to the story.

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